Hi all,
So I hope this rainy weather isn’t getting to you too much
Just remember it’s up to us how we let things affect us
I know it’s not nice to have a rainy summer, but it is one of those things that is completely out of our control unfortunately
what we can control is our response to this
the holidays can be a bad time for people to get to the gym anyway, and without sounding sexist here, it is worse for women
having run a women only gym for 11 years now, I see the peaks and trofs, and kids holidays is when we definitely have a drop in attendance
I understand that it’s harder to get time for the gym, when the kids are home from school, and even if you do have baby sitters, you don’t want to take advantage of them
But this does’t have to mean that you give up completely for 6 weeks
Because believe me, if your exercise stops, then your healthy eating will suffer too
So why not workout at home with the kids?
I’ve done a great, fun workout with the beautiful Chloe for you to follow so check it out HERE
no excuses!
but on a serious note, it is so important to keep up with some exercise, and including the kids is a win win, keeping you and them fit
There is no harm going out in the rain, wellies on and puddle jumping
Taking an adventure through the woods, to see what nature has to show you in the rain
All stuff kids will love to do
Keeps you both out in the fresh air, exercising (even if only walking) and keeps the kids off the laptops, iphones, computer games and internet
This is vital for optimum health, both mind and body, and for happiness too
if you are the type of person that has a strict exercise regimen, this break will also do you goo
As long as you are still doing something, the body benefits massively from a  break and a change in routine, as over exercising can be detrimental to health also
As you can imagine this is something us fitness professionals struggle with, but so do many of our clients.
Especially people who struggle with their weight or body shape, they will tend to think exercising several times a day is a good thing, when in actual fact it can do more harm than good, plus prevent you from achieving the body you really want.
So when it comes to holiday time, and they cannot fit in their usual exercise routine, this really stresses them out
instead of embracing the rest and allowing the body to make new changes
If you read any of on stress, then you will know that I have mentioned this before, but I want to make you more aware of this very common problem that is affecting more and more exercisers every day.
Something I see on social media, a lot, people getting an unhealthy obsession to exercise, and not actually taking the right advice on board
Ok so I am not saying that doing exercise is bad for you here, but what I am saying is that you need to ensure you are doing the right exercise for you as well as supporting your body with the right nutrition
especially the more you exercise, it is no good dieting massively and reducing your food intake when you exercise more as this will only make your energy levels low, put your body under stress and make you more hungry,
As well as increasing your cravings for more sugary, fatty and salty foods, eventually resulting in illness, fatigue and metabolic damage.
People typically do more exercise when they don’t lose the weight, then crave more food,
this is because appetite increases, so they eat more food and then have to do more exercise to burn off that extra food.
they get scared to reduce the exercise in case they gain the weight again, so it becomes a vicious circle where your body eventually gets worn out.
This is crazy, where will it end?
During all of this the metabolism also adapts to your behaviour, as this is how you are programming it.
So to even maintain your weight and body shape, you will have to continue to over exercise or risk piling the weight back on.
If you are not achieving good results with the exercise program you are doing, then it is not the right program for you anymore and you need to change it, not increase it or add more exercise.
Our bodies go through many changes in our lives and what may have worked for us in the past may not work for us now.
Therefore, you need advice on the right plan for you, where you will be training ‘smart’ meaning you are doing minimum exercise to get maximum results, instead of burning yourself out over exercising.
You can monitor this with your energy levels. If you are tired all of the time, as well as picking up viruses and generally feeling run down, this shows your body is under stress.
Sometimes taking a step back, resting and recovering is the best thing to re charge your batteries, re- set your hormones and metabolism and start to achieve good results again.
This is where the school holidays can come in handy, and as I said earlier, don’t give up all together, just change what you have been doing
Spend more time with the family, doing fun activities together
I’m sure you’ve forgotten how hard a game of football, rounders or netball is?
Well, they are all great exercise, fun and time spent keeping the kids busy and happy too
Changing up your routine from the strictness you usually apply
This will shock your body into bigger change
Spending quality time with loved ones, laughing, joking around and chilling too, all make s a huge difference mentally and therefore the knock on physical effect too
So make the most of the holidays, no need to completely fall of track and just veg out due to the poor weather, get out, get wet, have fun and see the difference this makes to you
Hope you all have an amazing weekend
Keep fit, happy and healthy. Invest in yourself, remember health is wealth
Emma xx