Online Programmes

Begin to believe in you

In a competitive, crazy, busy world, where life can get in the way of our happiness, it seems that more and more people are stressed and fighting to survive the hustle and bustle of it all.

We put ourselves under huge pressure to look and be a certain way, have a great job, earn lots of money and to generally be ‘perfect’.

When perfection really does NOT exist

We seem to forget all we have and how far we have come, and sometimes even lose sense of who we really are.

We get distracted by how well others seem to be doing, and then punish ourselves for not being as successful.

Yet we fail to realise how much we really have achieved and how hard it was for us to get there.

Instead of managing our stress, we tend to push ourselves even harder, in fear that we will not succeed, ultimately causing bigger problems, becoming even more unhappy, and digging ourselves into a deeper, darker hole.

Feeling alone, feeling there is no way out and feeling completely bogged down with life itself.

Well there is a way out!

Is this you?

– Wishing and hoping for the day the dark, heavy cloud over you lifts
– Completely stressed out all of the time, and have no way to manage it
– Never have time for yourself, because you are constantly putting everyone and everything else first
– Always making excuses, because making change is too scary
– Feel disconnected from friends and family
– Unhappy in work and tired all the time
– Hate your body, but don’t know how to change it
– Embarrassed of how you look
– Want to exercise, but don’t know what to do in a gym and don’t have time to go
– Sick of yo yo dieting, falling off track and eating junk for months on end
– Negative, moody and miserable most of the time
– Lacking energy and the will to want to do anything and put  yourself out

Do you want to:

Learn to like, then love yourself again, so you never battle with your negative Nancy in your head again

Be more confident in yourself and all you do, so that you can chase your dreams head on and nothing is holding you back

Be fitter, stronger and ultimately healthier, to prevent illness, and enable you to chase after the kids, party like you’re still 20 and delay the aging process

Love your body and want to show it off, so that you never have to hide it away again, look and feel great on holidays, in events and naked in front of your partner

Gain clarity in where you want to go and how you are going to get there, so that you are no longer chasing 5 rabbits and not even catching 1

Manage your stress so well that it doesn’t take over your life any longer, so that you are less moody, more proactive and fun to be around

Feel energised, so that you get more done, and don’t waste the day watching the clock for bed time

Feel positive, happy and excited for life, so that you maximise your life and all it’s amazing dreams, adventures and love

Join Lifeshaper & begin to believe in you!

Rapid Lifeshaper

FREE 5 Day programme

Lifeshaper Community

An inspirational online community

The Lifestyle Elevator

Premium 12 week programme

I can help you:

Be proud of who you are
Build self confidence
Create positivity
Overcome your fears
Overcome obstacles
Smash down your safety wall
Achieve your goals
Ooze happiness

I support, motivate and inspire you daily, as well as set you weekly tasks, where we :

Improve your health with healthy eating

Put tools, systems, strategies and techniques in place to enable you to achieve the goals you set

Apply tools to reduce and manage stress better, to improve your overall health, happiness and success

Overcome obstacles, insecurities, self-doubt

Become clear about who you are, what you want, why you want it and how you are going to get it

Visualize the life you want. Explore all possible options and outcomes

Bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be

Maintain long lasting results

Join Lifeshaper & begin to believe in you!

Rapid Lifeshaper

FREE 5 Day programme

Lifeshaper Community

An inspirational online community

The Lifestyle Elevator

Premium 12 week programme


“I met with Emma first in February and she has been my lifeline ever since, it is one of the best decisions I ever made, Emma gave me the guidance and support I needed to help me readjust my life.”
– Sian Morgan