Well it’s that time of year again, Christmas, where we are all so busy

But not too busy to forget the importance of staying fit and healthy
I love seeing my amazing clients still achieving fantastic results
Staying focused and motivated
My lovely client Sian has done absolutely fantastic
A massive improvement from the lady that came to me 6 months ago wanted to get fitter to apply for a job in the police force
Sian was not very fit she was 2.5 stone heavier, a smoker, who’s nutrition was not good!
With some mindset coaching, a healthy nutrition plan and one to one Personal training, Sian soon started to change, both mentally and physically
Her whole body shape changed, she became more energetic, happier and more positive about herself
Sian even started attending more classes in the gym, mixing her training up and loving it
A complete change to the lady I first trained who really didn’t want to be here
A complete lifestyle change means that Sian now allows herself weekly treats, weekends away, holidays and bloody enjoys them, but she makes small manageable changes to ensure she
Whereas, previously she would not plan or prepare at all, she now ensures she has all the healthy meals she needs for the week and finds it easy to stay on track
Sian’s confidence has improved so much over the past 6 months, since we have worked on her mindset
Which has all made a massive difference to her pushing forward with applications, interviews and tests with the police force.
Having a big goal, was Sian’s WHY for doing this, and wow did she do it
Sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to make change
I firmly believe that mindset matters most, and Sian’s results prove this
She wanted something so badly that she asked for my help, and took on board all that I taught her
Check out Sian’s pics and testimonial below to see how she feels about her progress.
Sign up to my online Fitness and Fat loss programme Shapes Change HERE
For Mindset coaching and support to begin to believe in YOU again check out my Lifeshaper Coaching Programme HERE
Sian said:sian-mead-results
I would just like to say how much of an amazing trainer and person Emma is. She has helped me change my life and mindset around for the better. I actually look forward to our sessions now where at the beginning I used to get so anxious because I was not an exercise person. Emma does try her best to whoop my ass. She does succeed but she always asks do you hate me and I always reply no because someone who has taken this journey with me and got me to where I was to where I am now, I could never hate. For this I thank you so much. X x
So if you are thinking this lady is you now and you want these kind of results, then it IS possible, contact me for more information
Keep fit happy and healthy. Invest in Yourself, remember health is wealth
Emma xx